Sunday, November 23, 2008

I did it!!

Yep, I signed up to be an Avon Rep again. I am so excited. Its been about 5 years since I sold it last, and I told my self "third time's a charm" Right?
Anyway, I am Super excited. I'll post a link to my web site as soon as its ready. might be a day or two. If your interested in seeing a catalog, please comment on this post so that I can get one to you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I've been Tagged

So here are the rules:
1.Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
2.Share 7 weird and/or random facts about yourself.
3.tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
4.Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

My cousin Marsha tagged me

1- I love to tease my kids (but they are starting to get the hang of it all)
2- I love to eat cake (white with white frosting)
3- I like to have parties at my house so it gets really cleaned, instead of the just everyday cleaning
4- I love to organize, but I never seem to be
5- I like to snack while watching the biggest loser
6- I like to hide from my kids
7- I hate spiders

I tag Jeannine, Jen, and Amy

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kyle's Dr appointment

Well I finally got him in to a new ped. It is hard switching insurance companies and Dr's. So he weighs 15.7 lbs and is 25 inches long. He is getting SO big. he is almost into 6-9 month clothes cuz he's so chunky. He wasn't too happy with the shots and showed it by eating then throwing it up all after noon and beign cranky on top of that. Boy I was so glad when he finally kept the Tylenol down and when it kicked in. Poor baby. but we have to do what we have to do.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Again, Just cuz I have such Cute kids!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Just cuz he's So Cute!

The kids on Halloween.

These were taken at all different locations, but You get the general Idea. I made Adam's and Tommy's costumes.
We had a real fun day. We started out going to my Brother in law's work, then we went to my Grandpa's house. Then headed to my sisters house, then to my Dad's work. By then they had SO much candy. After my Dad's work we went to a "Trunk Or Treat" where they got even More candy. So we made the kids walk home and "trick or treated" and got even More candy. We have a TON of candy.

The Best Grandpa in the World!

Well I want you ALL to know what a Great Grandpa I have. Here he is on Halloween, all dressed up. He just turned 91 on the 20th of October. He was SO cute, he was growling at the kids. Who would have thought that a man of his age would have the "youthful" spirit to still dress up.