Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oh man!!

I went to walmart to pick up my pictures I had sent in to be developed (off of a disc) and they Lost my order. UGH Now I have to go back to walmart. The only good thing coming out of it is, I get all my pictures for free 234 of them Yep thats like 35 dollars worth of pics. I'm just waiting for adam to get home from school then I'm going to go have them done, again.
I really wanted to get them all packed for my overnighter I am going to this weekend. guess I'll have to do it later. But I'm getting so tired... Time for a nap.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I felt my baby move!

Yep I'm 13 weeks and I felt the baby move. I was lying on my bed and it moved about 3times. It is the neatest feeling. It is one of my favorite things about being pregnant. I am very grateful that I don't get morning sickness. So far I have not thrown up once. With my other 3 pregnancys, I only threw up about once each time. I feel very lucky.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

10 days

Yep, thats it. Only 10 more days and I'll be released from the Job I call prison. I have worked with the Standard Examiner for almost 8 years. 7 days a week 365 days a year. (yes Christmas too). The only time I'd ever get a break was when I hired, trained, and paid someone to do it. Then I'd stress the whole time I was gone. Are they going to do a good job? How many complaints are they going to get? UGH...

Next weekend, I am going to a scrapbook overnighter, and I'm NOT going to worry ONE bit about it. I am going to enjoy myself, and not have to worry about getting up so early, every day. EVER again. I can't wait to catch up on some sleep, and get my house back in order. My poor house has sure suffered. as well as my hubby and kids. Life is going to be SO much better. I can't wait.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I did it!!

I Wrote my District Manager and told her I was quitting. I told them I'd work till the end of the month. thats it. I'm SO happy, but Now I get to stress until my hubby figures out what he is going to do. It will All work out. I know it. It has too.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Ok, IT has Done it again. YES THE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a horrible morning. it wasn't supose to snow this morning, just this after noon and tomorrow morning. well I got up on my route and sure enough it starts DUMPING SNOW.... Oh my, I got stuck for FOUR HOURS.. Ok after a half hour (5:30 am) I called the standard and told them, I'd be late delivering. well time went by, I couldn't get unstuck. SO I called (and cried) to my husband to come and save me, Hoping he could get to me. well he ended up getting the black car stuck (with the kids in it). UGH so I walked down this huge hill (Oh and you have to know, I'm SICK, Yes I really think I was running a fever at the time) to him, so he can hike up the hill to the other car to dig it out. well he got all sides of the car dug out and come to find out, I was high centered. UGH... Once he got unstuck he was backing down the hill a little bit to get a go at the hill, he couldn't make it up it. well, Here I am stuck down a hill, and he is stuck down a hill. I saw one of my customers, Snow blow his drive way and come out THREE TIMES and shoveled the same area. he FINALLY came and talked to me. (knowing this guy had a truck) well, he said that his truck broke down yesterday or he'd help me get out, but his buddy was coming to get him so they could go shovel the church, well thank heavens bryan left the chain in my car and they were able to pull me out. Now I know I couldn't make it up to where bryan was, even though snow plows had been by, the snow was coming down so fast and the tires on the black car just aren't as good as the ones on the blue. So bryan said to go wait at albertsons for him. I called the standard again and told them it was impossible for me to finish. and they siad that I could do it tomorrow. Now I;ll have to fight my DM for the cost fo the complaints.
Well Needless to say, I've been home since 9:00 am and only delivered 100 out of 500 papers. Fun for me, I get to do them tomorrow. My phone has been ringing ALL DAY... This one lady said to me, "Well thats not fun for us, not having the paper":wacko: .... My reply: Well I was stuck for 4 hours, and it wasn't fun for me...
I think some people were a little disapointed I wasn't making the effort to get them there paper. I"M SO TIRED OF IT... and yet, just the LAST Snow storm, I walked 4 streets. I sure hope I don't catch Pnemonia (SP?)
Bryan said I should just quit. and walk out right now. he said as soon as I get my pay check, I can quit. now wouldnt' that frost there butts...... Do I really have the guts to do it???? I get paid on Thursday. I guess it would really encourage him to find something new.

Oh and by the way........... ITS SNOWING AGAIN.......... Can I just scream????? Its coming down heavy too...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Please NO MORE SNOW!!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make the snow stop!!!!!! I"VE HAD IT.....
another foot? what a joke. ok I left my house at 3:30 am this morning. I wanted to get out before most the snow hit. YA RIGHT... talk about NO plows. So I do my route different in the snow. well I got stuck in places I have never been stuck before. I also ended up walking about 4 streets. UGH. I did have a few people tell me how dedicated I was to my job. I sure didn't see the tribune paper being deliverd AT ALL.... well I was up doing my last 2 streets (walking them) and got SO stuck when I left the area. Luckily some guy (weirdo) was out walking his dog, and the "snow crew" that cleans the condo's out came by, well they dug me out. so luckily I wasn't stuck that long. UGH NO MORE... I CAN"T TAKE IT...

PLUS I'm sick. UGH major stuffy head, runny nose, sore throat.. UGH and Katrina is sick too, same stuff. I was supose to go into adams class Again, and Stiffed the teacher AGAIN... I feel SO bad. but what do you do?????