Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Katrina is 2

Well, My baby girl had her second birthday. We had a Party at my sisters house and another party at my Mother in Law's.

She wasn't too happy about the cake because we wouldnt' let her stick her hands it in. she was all ready for that.

This is her birthday present from my mom. She had fun unwrapping it.

she loved it so much she grabbed a pillow and wanted to go night night.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Cricut Swarm

Well, I spent Saturday at the Roberts in Clinton scrapbooking. I actually got 5 pages done which is really good for me, I never get anything done. I usually sit back and enjoy the time not being with my kids. I didn't do the challenges that they were offering, but did do the Make and take. it was SO cute, and I can't wait to make more.
My Wonderful Mother in law bought me a new camera since mine has been MIA since the middle of May. So Now we will be able to take pics of our new baby. Whenever he decides to make his presence into the world (5 weeks, but who's counting?).
Its hard to come home and find a messy house, I was very upset. My hubby usually keeps it mostly clean, but the sink was full of dishes and I just hate that, unless of course I'm the one who got myself behind on them. I was just very frustrated and tired. so they sat until Sunday when I Finally got Adam to load the dishwasher. Bryan said he was on strike. Boy did he find out I was on strike when I wouldn't wash his work clothes. I just get so tired of it. especially being pregnant.
I was thinking today, I just wish this baby would come so I can get the healing process over with and stop being so tired and exhausted. only 5 more weeks, but who's counting? Ha ha.
So I started reorganizing a section of my scrap room again. It seems like I am always changing something around. The way it was, just wasn't working for me. I'll probably end up changing it again, just give me time.
I'd better get going for today. I have locked myself in my Basement cuz my kids wont stop fighting, then they come cryin to me. They are suppose to be cleaning there room. its such a disaster. I'm So looking forward for the kids to be back in school. Only 5 more weeks, but who's counting?

Friday, July 11, 2008

Here is Adam

This one was taken on the 4th of July. We were letting fireworks off in our front yard.

Thomas and Super Mario

One night tommy came into our room and said "Hey, look what I made". He amazes me at some of the things he has made.

Daddy's little shadow

Ok, I was looking thru my pictures and found this.

She loves to follow him around.


Ok, I think I finally figured out how to post pictures on here. We'll see.. Here is a picture of Katrina. she Loves to pull this face. (this was taken at our family reunion in June.
when we were in Vegas, Anna had given me this costume. I can't get her to take it off most of the time but figure "What the heck, It probably wont fit at Halloween time"

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Its been a while

Ok, so everyone keeps telling me I need to update.
Well. I can't believe it is July already. One more month and we'll have a new baby. We are getting excited for his arrival, but still no names picked out.
June- On the 1st of June it was our anniversary, we went to dinner the night before (it being on a Sunday) then on Sunday we went for a drive. The next week was Bryan's Grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. We were able to go and celebrate that with them.
From the 9- 14 we went up to my Parent's property and had a Family Reunion. it was SO much fun. That Thursday (the 12th) was my Birthday. My Aunt bought me a cake and my 90 Year old Grandpa sang to me. it was SO sweet.
On the 21st we took our kids to my Parents house and we Left Early on the 22 and headed to Vegas where we met up with Anna and Phil. We had a blast. I don't think my feet have ever hurt so bad. But it was all worth it. It was such a nice break from the kids. Everyone deserves a break like that from there kids.

Bryan Just started a new job at Life time. It will be a great blessing. He will be closer to home and it's more income. Now I don't have to go find a job as soon as we have our baby. He just started yesterday so we'll see how things go. He plans to continue to do some side work for his old job for extra income too. That will be nice.

I've been trying to stay in where its cool. My feet try to swell when I go out and I end up getting sick from the heat too. My kids are quite bored at home, but at least they go play with there friends. and I try to get them out to do something fun atleast once a week.
Katrina has turned into a little monster. She will be 2 on the 26th. I can't believe she'll be 2. I guess the monster in her is the "terrible 2's". We are anxious to see how she is going to react to the baby.