Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We're having a..........

BOY!!! Yep you read that right. Another little boy. we are SO excited to welcome him into our family. The kids are excited to get another brother too, although Katrina has not comment or clue the baby is coming.

Life has been so busy. Time goes by so fast. My appointment was Last Tuesday, and it took me this long to post.
Last weekend was Scrapbook USA. We were there when they opened and stayed till they were counting down to kick us out. It was Lots of fun even though I just messed around and didn't get ANY scrapbooking done. But it was SO nice to get away from the kids for a day.

My sleep schedule is still messed up, and I still feel really tired most of the time. (Duh I'm pregnant, what did I expect?) Someday I'll be back to "Normal".

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What a Rotten but good day

Yesterday started really good, the went REALLY bad, then good to better. I'll Explain
On Friday night my Hubby took Adam (6) Down south to help lay irrigation pipes on some land his parents inherited when his grandparents died. (All is well with them). So, I didn't want to be bored, I told him I wasn't going to go down and be bored out of my mind and wasn't going to go out and help. So I stayed home with Katrina and Thomas. well after they left Tommy asked me if he could spend the night at his friends house, No big deal, so I stayed home with Katrina, I put her to bed and stayed up and watched a movie. My sister and I had talked about going to the zoo and I told her to call Sat morning to let her know if I was going to go ( we have zoo passes so it wouldnt cost anything, and I wanted to get mine activated) So I called Tommy and asked if him and his friend wanted to go to the zoo (getting his friend in because adam wasn't there) so they said they wanted to go. I told his mom that I'd be there at 9:20 to get them. (its 8:30am) so I get up, get Katrina and I dressed. so I went out to the garage and was cleaning/straighening up the car, Dummy me, I didn't take my Keys out with me, knowing the car was unlocked, well when I walked outside the door was locked, and I couldn't get back in the house. OMG, I didn't know what to do, I usually have a key in the garage, but for some dumb reason it was IN the house. Luckily I had my cell phone on me. I called my neighbor (his aunt) but I knew they weren't home, hoping one of there kids were home. and of course NO one answered. so I called my sis back and told her I didn't know what to do, Katrina was in the house (doesn't open doors yet). I was trying to stick a screwdriver thru the crack of the door trying to get the door open. She didn't have much advise, so I called my hubby, Just about in tears. He told me to just hit the door really hard and it should open. I couldn't do it, being pregnant I just physically couldn't do it. so he told me to get a rock and break a window to get in. I was NOT breaking a window.... We have been discussing getting new locks for the doors cuz our front door doesn't stay shut unless it is dead bolted cuz we get high winds (almost EVERY morning) from the canyon. So I decided to go get a rock and break the heck out of the door knob. Well that worked. I ended up being late picking the kids up and forgot half the stuff I was going to do before I left. Well, that was just the begining. I drive 35-45 min to get to the zoo, see my sis pulling in the same time as me, then my Mom pulled in just after. Well I had gotten my zoo pass from my MIL for christmas and hadn't "activated" it. so I go to activate it, they have NO record of my pass. OMG could the day get any worse? No It didn't. Well They were really nice and gave me a day pass to get in. but Now I have to call and find out why they don't have any info on the account. We ended up spending FOUR hours at the zoo, it usually only takes 2 to get thru it, anyway it was really nice and Katrina LOVED the zoo. especially the monkeys. We all got sunburnt (sent the sunscreen with my hubby) so now my face hurts. Then after we left the zoo, I asked the boys if they wanted to go to the aquarium, again we have passes. well his friend had never been to the aquarium. So I called his mom and she was fine with it. (she is working on her masters and had a HUGE paper due this weekend) so I went to my Mom's house, Left katrina with her and took my niece and the boys to the Aquarium. Its not very big, and we were out of there within an hour. went back to my mom's to relax for a while then we had dinner and headed home. LONG DAY!!! So I get home to find my Mailbox with BIG envelopes hanging out and a BOX on my front porch. I was SO excited, I have been doing RAKS and haven't received anything. Well I dropped off Tommy's friend and went home (right around the corner) pulled in and went to get the mail, well the envelopes were actually our tax papers from Bryan's sister (she's a CPA) so I went and got the box. Went to go inside (tommy had already gone in) well even though the door knob was completley smashed, the door shut and I couldn't get it open. OMG this was NOT happening. Luckily Tommy was inside and came and opened the door. so I put something in the door and went back out and got Katrina (asleep in the car) and went and put her to bed. so I went to my room and opened the box and it was a cartridge for my cricut, I was SO excited. I just wish I would have had the energy to go play with it. I told tommy to go to bed. I was OUT by 9:30pm..

OK I'm SO Sorry for the Novel. It was just a hectic day.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Time Flies

Wow, where has the time gone?
It is now April and I haven't kept up here.
I am so happy spring is almost here, if only the snow would stop. Thank Heaven's it melts as fast as we get it. I really have spring fever and want to go camping. I hope we do lots of camping this summer.

I am now 18 weeks pregnant. I went in to my last Dr appt and the cord is right between the legs so we couldn't tell the sex of it. I guess we'll have to wait until the 15th of this month.
I am starting to show, and can't fit into any pants except maternity pants. I hate the fact they don't have front pockets, I always stick my phone in my pocket, and now I just seem to forget it when I leave.