Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Little Girls

Katrina is so funny. She Loves to copy everything I do. Her "thing" right now is to put diapers on her baby dolls. I find kyle's diapers on her dolls all the time, and Now I am finding them folded up (as if to go in the garbage) with wet wipes in them. She is taking wet wipes and wiping her babies bum's. Its actually quite cute to watch.
Today I was holding Kyle trying to get him to settle down, and I had wrapped him in a blanket and was standing in my kitchen rocking back and forth, and here comes katrina with a baby wrapped in a blanket and she stands there and rocks back and forth in sync with me patting her baby on the back. So, I stopped and got off sync with her to see what she would do, well she stopped and got back on sync with me.
Sometimes her brothers will do things and I tell them Not to do them because she is watching. Adam's favorite thing to do is slide down the stairs on his Knees. (kinda hard to describe) I think I have finally got him to quit cuz that's the last thing I need katrina doing. She wouldn't make it past the first stair.

Rocket Man!!!

K, so I was at walmart today and guess what I found "ROCKET MAN" for only $7.50. I was SO happy. It has been the hardest movie to find. I looked for it on Ebay once and they wanted over $100 bucks for it. I almost got 2 copies today, but ended up putting one back because I found a game for Adam for Christmas. Now I have 2 Christmas presents purchased. I'm On my way... Christmas is less than 2 months away which means only about 4-5 paychecks. Have you got any of your shopping done?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Making Haunted houses

For an activity for the Salt Lake City Mommies group we got together and made haunted houses. It was really fun, I got to hang out with my sister and a few of my cousins that came. Here are our houses

Thomas and Jacobs house





this was my house

this is Sheri's house



And Adam

We had such a great turn out. When I counted, there were over 50 people there. It was a blast.
Oh one last pic. Sleeping babies (Emily and Kyle)

Wow its been a while

Time goes Way too fast.
Katrina has kept me on my toes and I haven't gotten a chance to spend time on my computer. So Here is an overview of October.

My Niece had her baby blessed and I only got ONE picture cuz my batteries died on my camera. but here it is anyway since it is a pic of My Wonderful Grandfather who just turned 91 and his wife Maureen.

Here is some pictures of Kyle and my Great Niece Bryanna. I don't think she likes kyle too much, he kept hitting her. (they are 11 days apart)