It was so quite with no one there. My sisters that usually come, couldn't make it this time around. My kids were really good though and we tried hard to keep them entertained.
We were on our way and traffic was really good until we hit Lehi. then it was SLOW all the way to spanish fork. Driving up spanish fork canyon was very smooth for only being one lane. Right before we got to Springville, Dad called, I was quite surprised cuz we don't get reception up at the property, but he had driven down to the new church in Indianola and was able to get reception there. He told us the roads were really muddy and didn't think our van would make it up there. I was like, Do we turn around and go home? but he said he'd wait for us, park the van and he'd drive us up in his truck. So once we finally got there, we all loaded our stuff in the back and piled in. I'd have to say I'm grateful I didn't have to drive those roads, I had to close my eyes thru some of it. 2 guys had tried to pull trailers up and One guy left his truck and trailer in the middle of the road. That was one part I had to close my eyes as Dad passed him. the other guy ditched his trailer in a safer place. This isn't the first time we've had such muddy roads. last year we got our car stuck up there.
Saturday morning, Bryan decided to walk down to get the van, Adam really wanted to go with him so I told Bryan to take both the boys. So they headed off. it had been quite dry since we had gotten up there friday night. I told Bryan I thought it was about 7 miles out of there, but he doesn't care when he is determined. Well Of course it started raining again and Dad got worried, so he decided to go get them and take them to get the van before it really started raining again. They had gotten about 3 miles, and there was only a mile left. Bryan said that Adam had to keep stopping. O'well, good father/son bonding.
Mom and I stayed at the cabin with the 2 little ones. we did manage to get about 25 cards made, She is the Relief Society President in her ward and is always looking for cards. Good thing we took stuff to entertain us too.
After the boys got back we played "you blew it" and "apples to apples". Here are some pics of the older boys, surprisingly these are the only pics I took. Usually I take lots.

On Sunday the plan was to go to church, but with the rain we got saturday night, it just wasn't possible, the roads again were very muddy. Dad tried to go get water but had to turn around and come back. with the tanks on the back of his truck, he said they would be too heavy to make it back in the mud. it rained most of sunday so we sat and played games with the kids. Sunday afternoon the sun did shine, kids caught 2 lizards and of course the flies came out. but then it rained again and they all disappeared. No problem with the bee's this time around. Did see plenty of Humming birds, especially after we got the feeders hung. The kids had fun in the sand box and remembered to cover it after they were done. otherwise it would have been full of water. We did have issues with wet wood, but got smart and threw a tarp over it. That was our weekend.
1 comment:
Sounds like a fun memory! Boys love mud so I’m sure that was fun for them! Thanks for the blog address. I added it to the ones I have. I enjoy being able to keep up with relatives! <3
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